The Village Reiki Healer, Amy Walker

Sound Healing (Coming Soon)

About Amy

  • Amy works with the client's body, mind and soul to channel healing energy to restore their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being. In doing this she will also be releasing the physical, emotional and mental ill-health that is stored within your body’s subconscious and conscious self.

    "Reiki healing is an extremely powerful healing technique. It activates each client’s natural healing ability and can be used in conjunction with, or without, other alternative therapies."

    Benefits of working with Amy may include:

    If you are suffering from physical pain this may have lessened or even gone after one treatment. If you are suffering emotionally, you may feel lighter, as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Mentally, you may have a clearer vision and a more positive thought process.

  • "From a young age, I have been aware of the spiritual world and all the love and help it has to offer. However, it was not until three years ago that reiki found me. A close family member of mine was given end of life cancer - less than a year.

    Then, one evening on the internet I googled “healing treatments for cancer” - an endless amount of reiki sites popped up on my screen. It was a sign. Little did I know it was my spirit guides leading me to my lifelong career and passion. That night I started learning, teaching myself and giving reiki as soon as I could.

    Following this, I found my Reiki Master and Healing Teacher. I went to work and lived with her for six months, treating a variety of clients and gaining a deeper understanding of the human body, increasing my psychic abilities and learning how to read the body energetically.

    Three years on, the cancer has gone from her bones, breast and lymph nodes. The oncologists call her a living miracle!

    Since then, I have had numerous clients - children included, see me because of cancer, tumours, kidney transplants, bereavement, depression and anxiety, the list is endless. To be gifted such a rewarding job - if I can even call it a “job” is a true lifelong honour. I feel so grateful each day to be helping and healing so many wonderful souls who only deserve health and happiness."

  • 'Nature. I feel connected to birds. Being surrounded by them makes me feel at home and most grounded within myself. Whether I go on a walk or hike alone or with family and friends, being in nature is my happy place. It is where I feel most in touch with the universe and therefore most inspired.’

Sound Healing & Reiki (Coming Soon)

Amy can help with…