‘Stories for The Sun and Moon’ by The Village Storyteller, Dawn Nelson


Coming Soon

Stories for The Sun and Moon

by Dawn Nelson

in The Library

"A series of stories to guide you through the seasons. Using the sun and moon as our guide we will travel the wheel of the year. For each of the solar festivals, Ostara, Litha, Mabon and Yule we will illuminate our way with the sun’s stories and for each of the quarter festivals, Beltane, Lammas, Samhain and Imbolc, we will look to the moon for her wisdom. The series starts with Ostara, a time of balance when the night and the day are equal, and so for this point in the wheel, we look to a story of the sun, the moon and an epic quest.’

About Dawn

  • 'I have always loved story and nature and so combining the two through storytelling was natural although this did not become my calling until a little later in my life. To cut a long story short, after almost a decade spent in the NHS working in Emergency Care it was time for a change and through this experience I could see that stories were and are great healers and so when the opportunity arrived for me to explore storytelling as a profession I was ready to take that path. I have been working with story for over ten years now and hold around two hundred different stories. Grab a cuppa, come sit with me a while and I'll tell you one.'

    Dawn lives within the beautiful South Downs. Her specialism is landscape, heritage and nature interpretation. She works to bring history and nature to life through story, creating a sense of place and custodianship. Her passion is connecting people with nature, history and the landscape that surrounds them, through storytelling in all its forms.

    For more of her work you can visit www.ddstoryteller.co.uk.

  • Dawn has been a storyteller for ten years, and believes that ‘stories help us to connect with our past, present and future, allowing us to navigate life’s ups and downs from a safe place of listening and observing rather than doing. Through the stories and journeys of others we can learn to walk our own authentic path.’

  • 'Standing stones sing to my bones, castle ruins that speak a palimpsest of stories and the field where I sit to watch the sunrise.’


Coming Soon

  • 'My passion is connecting people with nature, history and the landscape that surrounds them allowing a deeper connection with the world around us and ultimately a sense of custodianship.'

    -Dawn Nelson

Dawn’s storytelling can help with…

  • 'Stories help us to connect with our past, present and future, allowing us to navigate life’s ups and downs from a safe place of listening and observing rather than doing. Through the stories and journeys of others we can learn to walk our own authentic path.'

    -Dawn Nelson