The Village Guide, Lynda Harrison

Belief Coding (Coming Soon)

About Lynda

  • 'Following a 20 year career as a Fashion and Celebrity Personal Assistant, and burning out through juggling that and two small children, I decided to follow my calling for healing. Exploring the world of alternative therapies, and following my own healing journey, I have bought some of my favourite modalities together to help others.

    I come from a lineage of healers. As a highly skilled empathetic energy attuned individual, I am able to tap into your energy remotely to help assess what we need to work on. I create a warm, safe and compassionate space to support your healing journey with complete confidentiality.

    Using my broad range of holistic skills, knowledge and intuition, you can expect a bespoke approach to restore and heal your body, mind and soul.'

  • "It all began when I was gifted my first pack of tarot cards at age 13, I've been hooked ever since.

    I was a media and celebrity PA for 15 years, however, I come from a lineage of healers and the call has been getting stronger and stronger as time goes on.

    My goal is to guide and help people find the answers that are already inside them. I believe we already know, but we need some reassurance or pointing in the right direction."

  • ‘Walking in the woods or anywhere that is peaceful and I can fully take in the sun's rays. I love being re energised by the sun, it feeds my soul. I also love a walk with friends with a Matcha Latte. Being outdoors in nature with animals is my favourite.’

Book your Belief Coding One-to-One (Coming Soon)

Lynda can help with…

Distance Tarot Reading with Lynda

Connect with Lynda, one of our skilled Tarot practitioner’s, who conducts her readings via recorded video, delivered straight to your inbox via WeTransfer.

To ensure a personalised and accurate session, we request that you send a clear photo of yourself (head and shoulders with nothing obscuring your face or eyes) to Lynda’s email. You will find this in your booking confirmation email. Lynda will use this image to connect with your energy and guides, and perform the reading.

After receiving your photo, Lynda will complete your tarot reading within the next three working days.

The Process:

'The way I carry out an intuitive reading is by shuffling the cards and letting the cards jump out at me. Everything holds energy, and each card has a different energetic value, therefore I trust that the right card for that person will jump out.

As I am shuffling I am connecting to your energy and that’s when the downloads start to come through, I call them downloads, this can be interpreted as spirit, god, higher self giving me messages, and as they come through i will speak them, feel into them let you know what’s attached to them, what feelings are coming up and what guidance goes with it.

It is really important not to get caught up on the specific words that I’m using for the reading and to read into the overall emotion and feeling I am trying to get across.

Once the cards and the messages that have come through have been read, I will turn to the book and also give you the book’s meaning of the cards to add some depth.

Before the reading to set the space up i will be connecting to your energy for a day or so before, and with that information i will cleanse my space with sage or palo santo, and pull crystals.'

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