The Village Shamanic Healer, Sjoukje Gummels

About Sjoukje

  • Sjoukje is a Shamanic practitioner devoted to creating a sanctuary for profound healing, self-discovery, and reconnection. With the aid of Spirit guides and her drum, she warmly shepherds those looking to discover their true selves, those they may have forgotten along the way. Sjoukje has trained with world-renowned teachers in Shamanism, Sandra Ingerman and Imelda Almqvist. Calling on energy healing disciplines such as Reiki and Regression Therapy, Sjoukje sagely guides those seeking deep healing and a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them.

    Sjoukje invites Villagers to bring curiosity and a brave and open heart on their journey with her.

  • ''My personal journey of Shamanic healing has allowed me to deal with and heal deep seated challenges held around rejection, trust and my sense of belonging. I now experience a deeper understanding and knowing of myself and my place in the web of life. In this process I have become truly grateful for the guidance from Spirit, the support from my teachers and my family, and wish to share this life changing work with those who feel called.''

  • 'Journeying and being somewhere in another world or realm, sitting with my spiritual guides. I like spending time with my drum, and just being out in nature. I also take time to power up. Powering up means that, I sit in front of my altar, to connect to everything in the web of life.’

Retreat in Mexico - October 2024

Sjoukje can help with…

  • My Shamanic Healing session with Sjoukje Gummels was profoundly effective. Through her gentle guidance I was able to access lost parts of myself and heal old wounds that had been blocking my ability to engage fully in my life. Her Shamanic and intuitive skills helped me in ways that other healing modalities, like therapy, had not. During our session together I felt completely safe and supported, seen and attended to on a very deep level. When I try to describe the experience, the word that keeps coming up is, JOYFUL. I feel as if a whole new world has opened up for me, internally and externally, a whole new way of being in the world, more grounded, creative, curious and, yes, JOYFUL! The tools and meditations that she offered me have helped me to reinforce and expand upon the benefits or our session. This experience feels life-changing. I recommend Sjoukje whole heartedly.

    Emily- Shamanic Healing One-to-One