Book with Susie Gigg

Appointments & Purchases

Ask Susie (Tarot)

Are you seeking a deeper level of clarity on life's many facets? Here, you have the opportunity to ask Susie anything. This could be about your love life, career, or friends and family. This Three Turn Tarot reading will offer you guidance and clarity on a question of your choosing.

Ask Susie Process:

  • Outline ONE question that you would like Susie to offer advice, guidance or clarity on. You will be prompted to write your question when adding your Ask Susie to your cart

  • You will receive a response from Susie within 4 working days via email

  • Susie will reply with a written response, allowing you the opportunity to read, reflect, and read again!

Example Question:

‘I’m thinking of a career change, and have the potential of two new opportunities. I am unsure which opportunity to choose and am seeking guidance on this decision.’

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  • If you have booked a Tarot or Medium Reading with Susie, your appointment will take place online via Zoom. You will receive your custom Zoom link in your appointment confirmation email from The Village.

  • Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to gain insights and guidance into various aspects of life, including personal growth, relationships, and decision-making. Each card's meaning is influenced by its position in the spread, the question posed, and the reader's intuition. Tarot is used for self-reflection, understanding current circumstances, and exploring potential future outcomes.

  • Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits or entities from the afterlife or other dimensions. Mediums have the ability to connect with and convey messages from these spirits, often providing comfort, guidance, or closure.

    People seek mediums for various reasons, such as connecting with loved ones who have passed away, receiving guidance, or exploring spiritual growth.

  • This Three Turn Tarot reading will offer you guidance and clarity on a question of your choosing.

    Ask Susie Process:

    • Outline ONE question that you would like Susie to offer advice, guidance or clarity on. You will be prompted to write your question when adding your Ask Susie to your cart

    • You will receive a response from Susie within 4 working days via email

    • Susie will reply with a written response, allowing you the opportunity to read, reflect, and read again!

    Example Question:

    ‘I’m thinking of a career change, and have the potential of two new opportunities. I am unsure which opportunity to choose and am seeking guidance on this decision.’