Susie Gigg
Psychic Medium
Susie is a psychic medium and tarot practitioner, who channels and communes with the spirit world. Her readings offer comfort, compassion, guidance and hope. She connects with loved ones who have passed on, children who are not yet born and guides from the beyond.
Here the laws of physics do not apply. What goes up need not come down and what goes forward can just as easily go back, and what is dead is always also alive. So come with an open heart and mind or not at all.
Tarot Reading
Susie’s readings are like a call with a loving aunt. They offer reassurance during trying times, comfort and support. Above all they are empowering.
She asked that those booking a reading join with an open mind and light heart. During Tarot readings Susie will use her psychic abilities to receive messages from passed loved ones.
“Susie was incredible to speak to and shed so much light and clarity on a wide array of very relevant personal ongoings relating to relationships, career and life advice. I could not recommend her more highly, Susie was extremely clear but sensitive in her messaging throughout the reading. It was an amazing experience.”
— J. S
“It felt like Susie peeped into my soul in the most understanding and amazing way. She’s like a mirror of you and your experiences, opening up parts of yourself you know deep down desire your attention. I feel inspired and have courage to live more in tune with my heart and values.”
— A.O
Susie gave me the opportunity to connect, find peace and feel inspired that there is life on the other side. She reminded me that my journey isn’t over but beginning and with unseen support there to guide me along the way I am truly blessed.
— I.P
Susie’s Story
Susie has always held a curiosity and awareness of energies around. Since she was a little girl, she was conscious spirits and unseen beings around her and others.
In her twenties, Susie honed her skills and gaining experiences at festivals, psychic fairs and workshops.
Susie believes that anyone can be a psychic and that mediumship is a craft that can be learned.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits or entities from the afterlife or other dimensions. Mediums have the ability to connect with and convey messages from these spirits, often providing comfort, guidance, or closure.
People seek mediums for various reasons, such as connecting with loved ones who have passed away, receiving guidance, or exploring spiritual growth.
Susie will lead the way during your appointment, you do not need to prepare but if you’d like to, start tapping into the areas of your life you feel that need attention. If there is something you would like to find out about yourself in particular, feel free to let Susie know at the start of the session to see if she can offer you guidance.
Here are some example themes that can prompt personal questions to ask your medium.
Inquiring about loved ones who have passed away. The medium may be able to connect with and relay messages from specific deceased individuals.
Asking about any guidance, wisdom or insights the medium receives regarding the next steps or direction the client should take in their life.
Requesting information about any significant life events, opportunities or challenges the client can expect in the near future.
Inquiring about any blockages, obstacles or negative energies the medium senses the client should be aware of or work to release.
Asking the medium to provide any general impressions, visions or intuitive hits they receive about the client's purpose, path or highest potential.
There are no wrong questions but depending on what the spirit world wants to provide answers to is up to them and the medium. Some information is not to be shared and the medium has the right to withhold information if it is a breach in spiritual law.
Mediumship asks you to be respectful and openminded whilst you ask your desired questions.
Book with Susie
All appointments are online via zoom unless otherwise stated
Got a Question? Get in touch.
If you have a question about how Susie works or any of our other services, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.