The Village Sex and Intimacy Guide, Roxy Stutchbury

About Roxy

  • Roxy is a certified sexual empowerment coach, your shepherd, while traversing the interior landscape of your self-worth, confidence, and pleasure. She is a devoted guide, ready to help you rewrite your story, creating a new and empowering narrative that reflects your true desires.

    Roxy is passionate about helping others find healing, liberation, and transformation. Having trained at The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, Roxy draws upon holistic tools such as breathwork, somatic bodywork, and meditation in her teachings.

    Roxy invites Villagers to bring a candle, soft things, and curiosity for the journey ahead.

  • 'It's discovering what language you want to use and giving that power back. “What does this mean to you, what word would you say about this?” Allowing someone to be on their own discovery with that, if that makes any sense.'

    'As soon as you really understand your own body and have a kinship with yourself, then your understanding of boundaries, your understanding of confidence, it goes out into your work and into your friendships.'

    'I think if a lot of people are really embodying themselves and are in their full confidence and power, that’s something that for hundreds of years in lots of different ways has been shackled in. Something about being liberated is threatening for a lot of people.'

  • 'Putting some music on, and having a bit of a dance and shift around. I love breath work, getting myself back into my body, get my sympathetic nervous system pumped up and get going. And my body. Me. Which sounds completely bizarre, but that’s become my pleasure, my muse. Getting excited and curious, and just celebrating my body for the good the bad and everything in between.’

Roxy can help with…