10 Ways You Can Enhance Your Spiritual Awareness


1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Daily Meditation: Set aside time during the week to meditate. Visit The Village Library, where you have access to a range of free meditations and stories.

  • Mindful Living: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily activities, such as eating, walking, or even washing dishes. Mindfulness is also known as awareness, just being aware and conscious of your daily activities, being present and in the moment.


2. Connect with Nature

  • Spend Time Outdoors: Regularly spend time in nature to ground yourself and gain a sense of peace and connection.

  • Nature Walks: Practice mindful walking in natural settings. Sjoukje Gummels, our Shamanic Healer, also calls these Omen Walks, where she asks clients to spot signs in nature, and discover what is being called to you through all your senses. You can watch how to do an Omen Walk here.

  • Book a an appointment with Sjoukje Gummels

  • Join our Retreat in October, taking place in Tulum, Mexico. The Journey To Your Deep Wisdom Retreat will take you on a transformative journey, connecting you to nature and your surroundings.


3. Engage in Self-Reflection

  • Journaling: Write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to gain deeper insights into your inner self.

  • Reflection Questions: Ask yourself reflective questions like "What am I grateful for?" or "What did I learn today?"

  • We recommend the Intelligent Change, 5 minute Journal where you are asked quick and specific questions to help you reflect on your day.


4. Cultivate Gratitude

  • Gratitude Journals: Keep a daily gratitude journal, noting things you are thankful for each day.

  • Express Thanks: Regularly express your gratitude to others, enhancing your sense of connection and positivity.


5. Practice Acceptance and Kindness

  • Acts of Kindness: Random acts of kindness can enhance your sense of interconnectedness.

  • Acceptance: Cultivate acceptance of yourself and others, recognizing the impermanence and interconnectedness of life.


6. Engage in Creative Activities

  • Art and Music: Engage in creative activities like painting, music, or dance, which can be meditative and spiritually enriching.

  • Writing: Express your inner thoughts and feelings through creative writing or poetry. Keep an eye out for our 5 day online courses, that involve daily journaling activities, live ceremonies, alter making and more.


7. Seek Community and Connection

  • Join Groups: Participate in spiritual or meditation groups, both online and in person, to share experiences and learn from others. The Village hosts a range of virtual and in person events and workshops, stay up to date via our newsletter and find out what’s on here.

  • Find Your Mentor/Guide: Seek guidance from a spiritual mentor or teacher who can help you navigate your spiritual journey. Discover our range of Village Practitioners, who offer the very best services, all tried and tested by us.


8.Practice Breathwork

  • Conscious Breathing: Use techniques like deep breathing or Pranayama to calm the mind and connect with your inner self.

  • Breathwork Sessions: Attend breathwork workshops or sessions to explore deeper states of consciousness. You can find free Breathwork Meditations here, from our amazing Roxy Stutchbury.


9. Set Intentions and Goals

  • Daily Intentions: Set positive intentions to guide your actions and thoughts.

  • Spiritual Goals: Define your spiritual goals and take small steps towards achieving them. Manifesting your hopes and dreams for the future through mood boarding and journaling, can be an effective way to understand what truly makes you happy. Keep an eye out for our workshops at 1 Hotel Mayfair, where we regularly look at the power of Manifestation


10. Explore Different Spiritual Practices

  • Try New Practices: Experiment with various spiritual practices such as Reiki, Shamanic Healing and Crystal Healing. You can discover our Healings here.

    Find What Resonates: Identify and adopt practices that resonate with you and feel authentic to your journey. Everyone is different and we all respond uniquely to different healings and readings. Do get in touch if you would like support or advice on where to start your journey.


By integrating these tips into your daily life, you can gradually enhance your spiritual awareness, leading to greater peace, fulfillment, and a deeper connection to the world around you. The beauty in all of these is that they are easy and accessible to anyone, even just embracing one or two of the ideas that resonate with you is a great place to start, allowing you to be more in tune with yourself, others, nature and the present moment.

Explore The Village to see how we can help you on your Journey.


Retreat in Tulum, Mexico Now Live

Retreat in Tulum, Mexico Now Live ❁


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