Harnessing Lunar Energy: The Benefits of Charging Crystals Under a Full Moon for Holistic Healing

Crystals are deeply connected to the natural energies of the Earth and the cosmos, and they can absorb, store, and transmit energy. Full moons, like the Flower Moon, are powerful times in amplifying energy and promoting spiritual growth, manifestation, and healing.

Crystal work over the Full Moon is rooted in the belief that the moon's energy can cleanse and recharge the crystals, enhancing their effectiveness. Here are a few reasons why you might want to book a Crystal Healing appointment, or charge your own crystals:

Cleansing: Full moons have cleansing properties, both energetically and spiritually. Placing crystals under the light of the full moon can cleanse them of any negative or stagnant energies they may have absorbed over time.

Charging: Just as the moon influences the tides, it also has a powerful influence on other energy. The full moon's energy can charge or activate crystals, enhancing their natural properties and making them more potent for use in rituals, meditation, or healing practices.

Amplification: Full moons are times of heightened energy and manifestation. By placing crystals under the light of the full moon, you or a practitioner are amplifying the crystals' energies and intentions, making them more effective tools for manifestation or spiritual work.

Connection to lunar cycles: Spiritual practices are deeply attuned to the cycles of the moon, and using crystals on a full moon is a way to align with these natural rhythms. By working with crystals in harmony with the lunar cycle, practitioners/you can enhance your spiritual practice and deepen your connection to the Earth and the cosmos.


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