Stepping into Summer’s Flow - A Shaman’s Guide, by Sjoukje Gummels

Summer marks a time of celebrating life's fullness and all that is in bloom.

This is my favorite time of year, a time of deep connection to the Earth. I love the abundance, warmth, and possibilities that this time of year provides and surrounds us with.

It’s a busy time energetically as we naturally have more social engagements. We spend more time outdoors with friends and family. We may well be gardening and tending to the seeds we have sowed in Spring. The energy is one of being in motion and observing how the dreams, thoughts or intentions that we set previously are manifesting and coming to fruition.

The Seasons all have a place on the wheel of the year. Autumn sits in the West, Winter in the North, Spring in the East and Summer is situated in the cardinal direction of the South, is regarded as the place of youth and adolescence.


With a sense of belonging to one's family and community,

Summer is a time of continued nurturance,

We can observe the maturation of life in nature as well as within ourselves.

In practical terms this implies that you are invited to re-evaluate where you are at personally or professionally.

This can apply to your dreams, projects, intentions or health goals you might have set at the beginning of the year. It is a fantastic time to let go of that which no longer serves you moving forward. To create space for something new and to start afresh or to continue expanding with that which is maturing and manifesting.

Celebrate all that has gone well thus far, and consider whether the challenges you may have faced have provided you with any valuable insights or lessons.

Where has this possibly led to a shift in perspective, direction or a shift in lifestyle?

An invitation of self-enquiry

Journal Prompts

  • What are the current manifestations of my intentions, projects, and goals?

  • What is working well and what do I feel I might need to let go of to create space for something new?

  • What else could I explore that I have not considered until now?

If everything feels it is in flow:

  • How do I keep tending to and nurturing what I'm doing or dreaming of?

Join our Stepping into Summer Course for similar daily exercises, tasks & prompts, where Sjoukje will invite you to look inward and experience transformational work. (Book at the end of this article.)

Always keep in mind that your personal happiness is a powerful contribution in and of itself.

Embrace what you enjoy doing.


Join Sjoukje’s upcoming course with The Village


3 Ways To Get Summer Body Ready


Spring Equinox: Honouring The Turn of The Wheel